Avraham Remer
20th-century commentaries on early Prophets by a student of Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook, highlighting the text’s contemporary relevance.
Birkat Asher on Torah
21st-century Torah commentary by the editor of the Shmirat Shabbat KeHilkhatah, with a focus on elucidating Rashi’s commentary.
Cassuto on Exodus
Early 20th-century commentary incorporating archeology, ancient Semitic languages, and literary tools.
Cassuto on Genesis
Mid-twentieth-century commentary incorporating archeology, ancient Semitic languages, and literary tools.
Chibbah Yeteirah on Torah
20th-century commentary of Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin, a leading figure in the Religious Zionist movement.
David Zvi Hoffmann on Exodus
Commentary based on lectures that R. Hoffmann delivered at the Rabbinical Seminary of Berlin during the late 19th century
David Zvi Hoffmann on Leviticus
Commentary based on lectures that R. Hoffmann delivered at the Rabbinical Seminary of Berlin during the late 19th century
Depths of Yonah
21st-century English commentary on the book of Jonah authored by Rabbi Chaim Jachter together with his son, Binyamin.
From David to Destruction
21st-century English commentary on the Book of Kings by Rabbi Chaim Jachter.
Jonathan Sacks
R. Sacks's writings on the Torah, including his series Covenant and Conversation and companion volumes of essays
Covenant and Conversation
R. Sacks’ original series of essays on the weekly Torah portion, a fusion of Jewish tradition, Western philosophy, and literature
Essays in Ethics; A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
Second companion volume to Sacks’ celebrated Covenant and Conversation series
I Believe; A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
R. Sacks’ final cycle of essays on the weekly Torah portion, compiled over the course of 2020
Judaism's Life Changing Ideas; A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
Collection of R. Sacks’ essays on the weekly Torah portion, highlighting one life-changing idea in each portion
Lessons in Leadership; A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
Collection of R. Sacks' essays on the weekly Torah portions, focusing on the nature of power, authority, and leadership
Studies in Spirituality; A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
A companion volume to R. Sacks’ celebrated Covenant and Conversation, the first such volume published after his death in 2020
Karati Bekhol Lev
21st-century collection of Hebrew essays on the weekly Torah portion that draws from a wide range of Jewish and secular sources.
Megillat Ruth; From Chaos to Kingship
21st-century commentary on the book of Ruth by Rabbi Chaim Jachter.
Moses; A Human Life
21st-century portrait of the biblical Moses’ inner world by Dr. Avivah Zornberg, drawing on traditional commentaries and psychoanalytic sources.
Nechama Leibowitz
20th-century collection of worksheets with questions on the Torah and traditional commentators created by a pioneering educator and scholar.
Redeeming Relevance
21st-century compilation of essays by Rabbi Francis Nataf suggesting innovative ways to look at events of the Torah.
Sefer Daniel; Opportunity in Exile
21st-century English commentary on the Book of Daniel by Rabbi Chaim Jachter, incorporating questions and insights from his students at Torah Academy of Bergen County.
Translation and commentary on each of the books in the Hebrew Bible.
Introductions to Tanakh
Introductions to each of the books of the Hebrew Bible.
Translation and commentary on each of the Five Books of Moses.
The Five Books of Moses, by Everett Fox
Everett Fox’s essays expanding upon his 20th-century Bible translation, a work designed to draw the reader into the world of the Bible through the power of its language.
The Torah; A Women's Commentary
21st-century collection of essays and commentaries published by Women of Reform Judaism and CCAR Press
Tribal Lands
21st-century English book examining the connections between the personalities of the 12 sons of Jacob and the territories that each tribe later inherited.
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